Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Kimchi-coloured vomit...

Chris: ...this is what I see on an almost daily basis. Koreans love to drink to excess and, of course, they love kimchi. All too often the result of these twin passions is the slippery orange gunk that lays in wait for me during my short walk to work. Fortunately, I'm yet to have fallen victim to one of these land mines. Thank God for regular summer downpours.


  1. Hi - didn't know how to email you... you have used a photo of mine (taken from Flickr) as your masthead. Sorry - this infringes my copyright – and is not a polite thing to do (you could have asked). Photo here:

    Please remove.


  2. ... or, link the image back to my Flickr page



  3. Chris: Hi Andrew. I did not take your photo from your website. I "took" it from Google Images. I have never heard of Flickr. I would be happy to remove it if you still wish. There is no need to apologise for your accusation. I'm sure it was made out of ignorance, not malice.
    I am also happy to leave the free advertisement for your Flickr page in the form of your comment, though I won't create a link for it through the pic (I must admit that, even if I was computer literate enough to do so, I wouldn't make the effort). I would ask that you remove from your Flickr page the reference to my thieving of your photo.

  4. Thanks Chris - I'd be happiest if you could replace my image at top with another. I'll remove the comment off the Flickr page, and you can delete my comments here too.


